Helideck Protection Solutions
"Helideck Protection" is one of several solutions that Firenor offers. Firenor is capable of delivering complete helideck protection solution including flame detection, control system and various type of helideck extinguishing systems.

Download the "Helideck Protection Solution" brochure here.


Superior helideck protection is essential to the safety of any people working on any installation, onshore, offshore or in marine industries. The safety of the helideck will be not fulfilled if all products and systems perform unsatisfactory together. This issue is more critical on Normally Unattended Installations (NUIs). Different regulations may apply to the helideck protection and the most common used worldwide is including IALA, ICAO, CAP437, NORMAM-27 and Norsok. 

A means of automatically activating the helideck extinguishing system should be through the use of flame detection. Manual intervention of the operator can also activate the helideck extinguishing system. On the other hand, a reliable control system is an essential part of the helideck protection solution. The control system will then activate the helideck extinguishing system and monitor the performance of it. Firenor has designed extensive variations of helideck extinguishing system which can be connected to the fire water ring main or can operate standalone. Firenor is capable of delivering complete solution for this application including following components: 

  • Visual Flame Detectors
  • Control System (SIL2 / SIL3)
  • Fixed Fire Fighting System
  • Nozzles

Following complementary systems can be provided as part of this solution:

  • Dual Agent Hose Reel
  • Monitor System
  • Helideck Lighting Aid System
  • Rescue Equipment
  • Fireman's Equipment Cabinet